How To Plant up Pots and Tubs

Your Plant Cannot Live by Water Alone

Don't be tempted by the first spring sunshine it may be freezing the following day. When the danger of night frost is over mid may bring your plants out of doors.
Before you start to plant up your pots or tubs, window boxes check if surplus water can be drained off. Most pots have holes in the bottom. If they are missing you should make your own drainage.
Put a layer of broken crocks or clay pellets on the bottom. Next fill the pot loosely with good potting soil do not use soil from the garden.
In the open plants will be able to take up sufficient nutrients, but in a pot the roots have only limited space to develop. The nutrients in the fresh potting soil will have been taken up within four weeks so you should regularly feed the plants.
There are fertilizers which contain all the necessary nutrients for your plants follow the directions as regards the dosage. You all so need to check regularly that the soil does not dry out. Especially in warm weather be extremely careful.

How much water does a potted plant need?

These tips will make watering your potted plants easier:
  1. Use glazed pots to help prevent evaporation or place clay pots in another container.
  2. Apply a layer of mulch or rocks to the soil surface to slow moisture loss.
  3. Set up a drip irrigation system for watering outdoor potted plants.

When should you water your plants?

Watering Plants in the Morning. The very best time to water plants is in the early morning, while it is still cool. This will allow the water to run down into the soil and reach the roots of the plant without too much excess water lost to evaporation.

Can you water plants during the day?

It is a piece of advice that has been followed by generations of gardeners - never water your plants in the full glare of the midday sun. But new research has contradicted the widely-held belief that watering in direct sunlight can cause leaves to suffer from unsightly "leaf burn".

How do you re pot a plant?

  1. Choose the pots. Make certain there are one or more holes in the bottom of your container to allow water to flow out freely. ...
  2. Choose the potting mix. Do not use soil from the yard or garden. ...
  3. Choose the plants. Make “Right plant, right place” your motto. ...
  4. Prepare the pots. ...
  5. Pot the plant.

What is A Suitable Place

Most plants are not too demanding as regards their temporary shelter if a few conditions are met.
The surroundings should be frost proof and not too warm. A temperature of 5-10 degrees c is ideal for most varieties.
Non deciduous plants such as Chrysanthemum,  Citrus Trees require full day light so they best placed near a window or under a skylight. By giving them some fresh air from time to time not when its freezing you prevent disagreeable mold diseases.
Plants which do not hold their leaves in winter need less light. Fuchsias spend the winter in a dormant state if you store them in an almost dark cellar.
If your garden is not too wet, you can store Fuchsias in a pit provided the plants are well covered with soil.
You see that it is all less difficult than you may have thought. You have a suitable place in mind such as a shed or attic if it can be kept frost free. A conservatory will often be to warm a greenhouse would be ideal.


When the summer is at an end and the fall turns the foliage of trees and shrubs into the most beautiful colors the time has come to start thinking of winter storage of your patio and balcony plants.
Most varieties are of tropical or subtropical origin. You can not leave these plants outside. Even a single night frost can be disastrous to some varieties.
If your plants are hardy and planted in terracotta pots you should take the necessary measures however sturdy terracotta seems to be the pots are not frost proof.
When to bring your plants indoors not straight away after the summer or in early fall. Bringing them in too early does more harm than good, you should leave the plants outdoors as long as possible.
If you don't have too many plants and no planters or pots that are too heavy you can put them in the shed or garage for the time being if a night frost is expected that is if you are not own of a greenhouse or conservatory.
They can then be brought outside again the following day but beware not early in the morning for it might be freezing. When the weather really cold plants should be given a permanent place indoors until spring.
Self Watering Planter easy to use saves time use indoor or outdoor no more over watering killing plants.
Attractive Self Watering Planter stops over watering having built in reservoir.
Organic Natural Potting Mix grow beautiful plants in containers indoor and outdoor.